
hg8868皇冠下载 offers a discounted home energy audit, 或者家庭表现评估, which is a comprehensive in-home energy evaluation conducted by a certified, third-party home performance specialist (HPS). 审计的总额为445美元, but participants pay only $99 对于全电力家庭和 $149 for gas, propane or other fuel sourced home. It is the first step toward learning how a home uses energy. These audits are used to find areas of concern and improve the efficiency, 家庭的舒适和健康.

From crawl space to attic, a HPS visually inspects your entire home. This includes appliances and mechanical systems, a health and safety inspection and a blower door test*, which identifies and locates air leaks. You may elect to have some energy saving improvements installed at no additional cost, 如果合适的话. Available improvements include installation of:

  • 多达20个节能灯泡
  • 一个高效莲蓬头
  • Pipe wrap from the water heater to house wall – approximately 3 feet

审计完成后, you will understand where your home may be losing energy, what simple fixes you can do to improve efficiency and how to implement any improvements that may be needed.

*Blower door testing will not be done in homes believed to contain asbestos or vermiculite insulation.

Note: Program continuation, eligibility requirements and terms and conditions apply.


The audit and improvements are offered at a discounted rate. 审计的总额为445美元, but participants pay only $99 对于全电力家庭和 $149 for gas, 丙烷或其他燃料来源的家庭.


Existing site-built homes qualify for this program, 包括单身家庭, 工器, tri-plexes, 四层公寓和人造住宅.

Buildings with more than four units do not qualify for this program. Multifamily homes heated by a shared heating system, 或者不是单独计量的, 是不合格的.



  • 是皇冠现金盘公司的现有客户.
  • 住在爱达荷州.
  • Own and occupy the home; renters may participate with prior written landlord permission.
  • Be the hg8868皇冠下载 account owner for the home receiving the audit.
  • 使用皇冠现金盘公司授权的HPS.



If you experience any issues signing up, call 208-388-2515,或电邮 首页能源Audit@maisiebuildingset.net.
